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-Brené Brown

My passion and my purpose is to share love through the divine practice of yoga. To inspire and be inspired through the elegance of breath and movement as they intertwine effortlessly. To hold space for you as you discover that real self-love is embodying the living presence that you are, exactly as you are. To unearth the courage that lives within you – to not just feel it, but to live fearlessly and authentically as you pursue your truth.


My wish is that we embrace our uncertainties like old friends, trusting the process with our whole hearts. May we own our stories and be the guardians of our own happiness. When nothing is certain everything becomes possible so let us feel this deeply in our bodies and flow effortlessly through life with strength and sureness. Tapping into the alchemy of breath and movement to access the present moment. Tasting what is right here, right now, to live from a point of consciousness and create the lives we long for.


This is what I know and this is what I love, but most of all, this is what I live. Join me as I hold space for the journey closer to your purpose, your peace and your vitality. Our time on earth is brief. Let’s come together to embrace every moment.


- Dian, with love




Dian Lee is a mother, entrepreneur, producer, activist, yoga & meditation teacher, and parenting coach in training. She and her husband Jared co-founded an award-winning property and lifestyle company, The Clearwater Group. Dian is also a documentary producer. Her documentary, which she co-directed M for Malaysia, was Malaysia Film Board’s official selection for the 92nd Academy Awards in 2020 for the “Best international film” category. 


In 2016 Dian found herself in need of more profound meaning and purpose and embarked on a yoga teacher training in Bali with Tara Judelle


The Yoga teacher training gave Dian a new outlook on life and inspired her to start her journey to a “conscious evolution.” 


She went on to study with Dr. Shefali Tsabary to be a Conscious Parenting coach to help raise the evolution of parents and families for more profound and meaningful family dynamics. 


She is also a graduate of  The Sacred Science of Sound  in Los Angeles and is under the mentorship of Prof. Jeralyn Glass for Crystal Alchemy sound healing. 


Dian believes that we all possess the potential to live our lives to the fullest by being who we indeed are, with consciousness, courage, and authenticity. She lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with her husband Jared and three children. 

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